Midwifery Mentorship is a 3, 6 or 9 month 1:1 supportive journey with a heavy focus on building self trust, intuition, personal growth & expansion.

My approach is very grounded, gentle and intuitive with the aim of providing a safe space for you to be seen seen, heard & held, to be encourage and supported to tap into your innate strength, wisdom, vision and have your vulnerability and sensitivity honoured and witnessed.

Our mentorship will be uniquely tailored to you. Some examples of what we might explore together include:

💕Allowing someone to 'doula' you, creating a safe space to debrief about experiences within the workspace, explore the depths of beauty, challenge the high highs and the low lows.

🍃 Enhancing work/life balance and finding way ways to introduce ritual, intention and grounding techniques into your practice

📖 What to expect as a midwife/birth-worker, exploring logistics, study, answering all and any question you have about pursuing midwifery as a career

🧠 Exploring ways to bridge the gap between philosophy and practice and stepping into the embodiment of knowledge.

🌊 Building a collection of tools and techniques to support you during placements, shift-work and challenging seasons of life

💌 Support and guidance as you apply for graduate year positions, navigating your graduate year and/or begin working within the birth space.

🏥 Understanding the hospital system, challenges, limitation and processes.

🎧 Debriefing about challenging placements, shifts and/or births.

Reconnecting with yourself and your passion for midwifery/birth-work.

🙌🏼 Receiving support, guidance and a space held for you in this season of your life/career.

If you would like to learn more about what is included in the mentorship, how it works & pricing please send me an email at chloelouisethornton@outlook.com with the subject title “Midwifery Mentoring Guide” :) Alternatively you can book a one off session or a obligation free connection call via the booking calendar below.